Egyptian Gods And Goddesses Names And Pictures

Amun is the ancient egyptian god of the air and sun.
Egyptian gods and goddesses names and pictures. Ptah began as a local god in memphis but as the influence of memphis expanded over egypt he became popular elsewhere as well. Here is a complete list of egyptian gods and goddesses. Often considered among one of the most important ancient egyptian gods amun was the divine entity who represented the air and the sun. She is also shown wearing a red crown for lower egypt.
Neith nit net neit is a predynastic egyptian goddess who is compared with the greek goddess athena. It is believed that depictions of isis with the infant horus influenced christian imagery of mary with the infant jesus. Depicted with the head of jackal and body of a man. Like many other ancient egyptian gods and goddesses that were eventually assimilated with their local regional versions amun was later merged with ra into amun ra which remained the chief god throughout the period of ancient egypt.
Neith is depicted as a weaver like athena and also like athena as a weapon bearing war goddess. Sometimes portrayed as the king of gods amun was also the patron deity of thebes the royal capital during the impressive new kingdom era of egypt circa 16th century bc to 11th century bc in fact in the earlier centuries amun was a minor god and as such. When amun was combined with the sun god ra he was even more powerful. Ancient egyptian gods and goddesses nut shu geb amun anubis bastet hathor horus isis osiris ptah ra sobek seth thoth ma at montu tefnut nephythys mut khonsu.
In the greco roman period she was identified with the greek goddess aphrodite and her cult spread as far west as great britain and as far east as afghanistan. A cat or lion headed goddess bastet was a protector of the home and also a goddess of sensual pleasure. God of the dead funerals embalming and tombs. Bastet was a popular goddess in egypt and was a daughter of ra and isis.
Ptah was usually depicted as a mummified figure with his. The worship of amun first appears in ancient egypt s old kingdom 2686 2181 bc where he is regarded as a relatively minor god. Isis was one of the last of the ancient egyptian gods to still be worshipped. He was then called amun ra.