Wow Hunter Pets By Zone

Likk the hunter 1558 level.
Wow hunter pets by zone. östliche pestländer ani 797 loque nahak. This guide should serve as a hub for hunters that want to obtain the coolest and most rare pets across azeroth. Here are the instructions how to enable javascript in your web browser. This guide covers all information on all of the most notable hard to obtain and most interesting hunter pet tames in the world of warcraft.
And in the battle for azeroth expansion blizzard has made huge changes to the way hunters can tame and use their pets. It doesn t matter if you play beast mastery marksmanship or survival anyone who plays world of warcraft as a hunter has one thing in common. Also sort by zone and wild pet levels. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable javascript.
New tames new tames are hunter. Sholazarbecken ani 261 lord condar. Click on a family to see how you can obtain it. List wow battle pets by zone including all wild pets.
Users are encouraged to use the table of contents to quickly navigate to the tames they might be interested in. A visual guide to hunter pets in the world of warcraft. Each zone is presented as a seperate group organized alphabetically. Loch modan ani 252 lupos.
Barrens northern stranglethorn vale northrend not rare related npcscan one many army orgrimmar outland pandaria pandaria hunter pets pandaria world boss patch 5 1 patch 5 2 patch 5 2 spirit beasts patch 5 3 patch 5 4 patch 6 2 patch 6 2 2 patch 7 1 5 patch 7 2 0 personal riches of pandaria scholomance searing gorge shadowmoon valley sholazar basin. Lord condar 1016 level. Pre shadowlands looks. What are the best hunter pets in battle for azeroth.
You may need to acquire an extra skill to tame pets from these families. Simply find your zone of interest below and we ll provide you with a list of all the pets within that zone. List of rares by zone eastern kingdoms. A complete searchable and filterable list of all hunter pets in world of warcraft.
These families can only be employed while you re using the beast mastery specialization. A visual guide to hunter pets in the world of warcraft.