Tabby British Shorthair Golden Shaded

Golden shaded boy 1350 available.
Tabby british shorthair golden shaded. It is our big hobby and we give it a lot of love and passion. The breeder of british shorthair cats and british longhair cats of silver shaded golden shaded and chinchilla colors with blue and green eyes. A silver tabby british shorthair is the mascot of whiskas brand cat food. This was the same cat used in the film darkman under the supervision of head animal trainer brian mcmillan.
We offer kittens for sale and adoption. We a small house based cattery in houston tx. Winston churchill church from pet sematary is a british blue. The best hypothesis of the genetics of the golden shaded british shorthair are that the golden colour is created when a cat.
Our cats and kittens are part of our family and we treat them with a lot of love and attention. Jahrhunderts bekannt und wird seit über 100 jahren gezielt gezüchtet. Has the wide band gene and. Our cattery is located in washington state usa.
Our cattery is tica registered and our cats have the origins of the best european champion bloodlines. Bkh englisch british shorthair ist eine rassekatze die rasse ist seit ende des 19. If boys will go together to one home price will be different. To book we need a deposit 300 non refundable.
There is currently no genetic test for either the silver gene or the wide band gene so breeding any wide band or silver shaded cat is a very interesting challenge. Die britisch kurzhaar abgekürzt. She born 22nd june and is ready to go to new home she is almost 4 mo. Die ersten katzen brachten vermutlich bereits die römer mit nach großbritannien über jahrhunderte waren die britischen hauskatzen auf den inseln weitgehend isoliert.
Das tabbymuster wurde bei der shaded katze durch den einfluss von wide band in die haarspitzen verlagert. Golden shaded boy 1200 available. Bkh silver tipped chinchilla von der lohmwiese de eine shaded katze sei es in silver oder golden ist eine agouti katze mit einem beliebigen tabbymuster. Is a tabby and.
I have for sell last from litter pedigree female british shorthair golden tabby. Golden shaded british shorthair breeder.